FORMÉ Clinic
Recenze a doporučení pacientů
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Zvětšení prsou 66 Liposukce 46 Operace očních víček 43 Abdominoplastika 38 Plastika nosu 34 Facelift 28 Modelace prsou 17 Modelace prsou s augmentací 9 Operace uší 9 Zmenšení prsou 7 Liposukce tumescentní 6 Operace horních víček 6 Mommy makeover 5 Léčba hyperhidrozy 3 Operace gynekomastie 3 Plastická operace paží 3 Labioplastika 3 Water-jet liposukce 3 Odstranění znamének 2 Zvětšení prsou – lipofilling 2 Neinvazivní labioplastika 2 Odstranění vrásek botulotoxinem 2 Laserová rejuvenace vagíny 1 Facelift Silhouette Soft 1 Miniabdominoplastika 1 Neinvazivní zákroky estetické gynekologie 1 Minilifting - Lifestyle lift 1 Chirurgie ruky 1 Operace dolních víček 1 Reoperace nosu 1 Septoplastika 1 Ptóza víčka 1 Kyselina hyaluronová 1 Karpální tunel 1  1 Lifting rtů 1 Zvětšení rtů – kys. hyaluronová 1 Korekce jizev 1 Plastická operace krku 1 Radiofrekvenční lipolýza 1 Obličejové implantáty 1 Rekonstrukce prsu 1 Neinvazivní lifting 1 Mastektomie 1 Biorevitalizace 1 Lipofilling 1 Všechny kategorie
Operace očních víček (Blefaroplastika)    
  5 z 5 hvězdiček
“My upper and lower eye blepharoplasty ”
13.8.2018 | FORMÉ Clinic | Zasláno od Fmj z Manchester, Velká Británie (GB)
I had my upper and lower eye bleph last Wednesday and due to me having sleep apnoea and a head tremor I opted for sedation by IV I didn’t know a thing about it It was so pleasant! I awoke happy and relaxed, I’ve had no pain and was given creams and drops and an eye mask I was loaned a hospital nightie that they provide you with and nice cotton briefs and surgical socks to keep. I had lots of tests and even an ECG because I was having IV sedation Dr Vasek is wonderful and so kind and his wife is also a DR at the clinic Alan who did my sedation was so kind and Gabriela who did my blood The staff on the desk Sabina and Jana and Dominique whom I had the pleasure to correspond with or meet answered all my questions It’s only Tuesday and bruises faded so fast I’m getting a self referral through district nurses wound specialist to remove my stitches. I went to Prague on my own from the U.K. and stayed in the apartments upstairs and I do recommend hiring there air con machines on wheels Wonderful weather A wonderful city with sights and shops Very happy Thankyou Dr Vasek and I forgot to mention Veronica in the ward Thankyou again.
Facelift (operace obličeje), SMAS lifting    
  5 z 5 hvězdiček
“I underwent a SMAS face and neck lift at the...”
13.8.2018 | FORMÉ Clinic | Zasláno od Flowers25
I underwent a SMAS face and neck lift at the Formé Clinic by the skilled hands of Dr Petr Vasek six days ago. Recovery is as expected - some bruising and swelling, but even so my family and I can already see the improvement as it does look as if Dr Vasek has managed to take years off my appearance. On meeting Dr Vasek I found him to be a calm, no nonsense and thoughtful surgeon who tells it like it is and was happy to discuss my concerns about the possible pitfalls of a facelift. At one week off my 50th birthday I knew my face was considerably better than many ladies my age as I have avoided the sun for the past 25 years, used good quality Obagi skincare products and took advantage of having a GP for a sister who kindly provides me with Botox and filler treatments for my birthday and Christmas gifts. Plus, I’ve kept my weight constant since my mid 20’s. Having said all that, there comes a point when, despite one’s best efforts, juggling a full time job, two children and gravity does begin to take its toll on the mid face region and jaw line and I was hearing just a little too often for my liking comments such as “you look tired” or questions such as “did you not sleep well last night?”. I raised the matter with my GP sister for her thoughts and I asked her whether perhaps a little filler in my cheeks would help lift the mid face region. She was brutally honest saying that filler would make me look “like an alien” and that what I actually needed was a facelift. My sister had become familiar with Dr Vasek’s work after having seen a number of his English patients on their return to the U.K. following their surgeries and had been impressed with what she had seen. She advised me that he was the best surgeon for the job and told me the she had complete faith in him. She was right and having now had the opportunity to meet Dr Vasek and have my face and neck lift carried out by him I fully endorse my sister’ view. Dr Vasek was honest with me in that he recognised I was not in desperate need of a facelift and advised that I could easily wait a few years before I undertook surgery. I decided to go ahead because I do not want to return to the office in two weeks time and have all my colleagues immediately say “what have you done - you look so different” . What I want is for them to say “wow the holiday has done you good - you look well”. I believe I will get this result because Dr Vasek’s aim is not to pull your skin and muscle back so tightly that you get the classic wind tunnel look. He advised that his aim is always to go for the natural look which is of course what I believe we all want. In addition to the marvellous Dr Vasek a big thank you should go to the beautiful and highly dedicated team of nurses who looked after me during my two night stay and the equally beautiful and wonderful Dr Vaskova who carried out a very thorough general physical examination prior to surgery to ensure I was in good shape for the operation - her attention to detail was incredibly impressive. Finally a big thank you to Sabina and Clinic Manager, Maria, for their constant support via email prior to and after surgery. Sabina answered all my questions with impressive speed - she is lovely. Maria has been fantastic liaising with my sister and meeting me on the day of surgery itself. Thank you again to the entire Formé team.
Modelace prsou s augmentací (pomocí prsních implantátů)    
  5 z 5 hvězdiček
“Mastopessi con protesi da 255ml: sono felicissima!”
8.8.2018 | MUDr. Radek Lhotský | Zasláno od Gioia z Liberecký kraj, Česká republika (CZ)
Sono stata operata l\'anno scorso, nell\'ottobre del 2017 di mastopessi con protesi da 255 ml avevo il seno molto svuotato, bruttissimo, davvero non riuscivo più a guardarmi nello specchio....Dunque quest\'anno per la prima volta al mare con il nuovo décolleté!:)...sono felicissima, bellissimo, seno pieno ne troppo grande, ne piccolo proprio in armonia con tutto il resto:). A dire il vero il postoperatorio non è stato facile, molte cicatrici, io fumatrice ancora oggi ogni tanto mi si infiamma intorno all\'areola, ogni tanto si crea tipo un grande bruffolo poi esce il pus e dottore dice che comunque è stato abbastanza complicato l\'intervento che ha fatto...2,5 mezzo in sala operatoria, lui molto preciso, mi ricordo che prima dell\'operazione direttamente nella sala operatoria mi ha riempita di disegni, \"grafici\" suoi:), molto scrupoloso, sempre in contatto con me dopo l\'operazione...durante il post ho dovuto indossare il reggiseno elastico, l\'ho dovuto portare con me già in clinicia prima dell\'operazione, il chir mi ha detto che se non lo portavo con me non mi operava:), volevo comprarmelo io vedere in giro, alla fine ho scelto la marca Lipoelastic, molto comodo e intuitivo il loro negozio online, lo consiglio...dopo l\'operazione circa 1 giorno dopo prima di essere dimessa mi hanno tolto la fasciatura e mi hanno messo il reggiseno con la fascia elastica. Ho ordinato 3 reggiseni, uno bianco e uno nero con le fasce elastiche da portare durante le prime 6 settimane del post, una mia amica mi ha consigliato di averne due e aveva ragione, sporchi uno, lo lavi, intanto indossi l\'altro e poi uno rosa con cui ho continuato in seguito, sempre elastico anche questo, compressivo ma più sportivo, quello lo porto ancora oggi quando faccio qualche attività fisica, gite, bici etc. Devo dire che la fascia elastica un po\' mi dava fastidio l\'avrei tolta molto più prima ma il chirugo mi ha detto di no!:) la porterai per 6 settimane giorno e notte, manterrà il seno nella posizione giusta, è molto importante, fa parte del percorso postoperatorio...è necessario insomma indossarlo come si deve....per fortuna non ho avuto gravi complicazioni il seno è proprio come lo volevo io, ho qualche cicatrice ma questo si sapeva e non m\'importa. Rispetto alla situazione di prima....sono felicissima del risultato
  5 z 5 hvězdiček
“Wonderful experience of my Liposuction ”
6.8.2018 | FORMÉ Clinic | Zasláno od pebbles
What a wonderful experience from start to finish. The moment I entered the reception I was greet with my name, which instantly made me feel comfortable, I was there told how was morning would proceed, filled in form etc. I then met my consultant Dr Baron who ensured that his English was suitable for me understand, we then talk about my requirement and expectation, in which gave me all the pros and cons and the possible outcome. Dr Baron covered all my concerns and I was very happy to go ahead with my procedure which was schedule for that after. The preparation was very professional conducted and everything was explain stage by the stage. the procedure itself was a lot less painful than I thought, in fact very little pain, I spent on night in the apartment which I would highly recommend just for the 12 hour drainage, otherwise felt very comfortable was able to walk about straight away. The clinic provides you with everything you need to take home and full instruction, it has been a week now and I have had very little swelling and or pain beauty much doing my normal day time things except the gym, but otherwise can already see some good results, so will keep you posted with some picture after week 2.
Abdominoplastika (Operace břicha)    
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“Tummy tuck, recommended by my friend”
6.8.2018 | FORMÉ Clinic | Zasláno od Happy_mum z Hessen, Německo (DE)
Have been in Prague few times before but have never thought i will have my tummy done in there until my friend suggested Forme clinic. Felt very welcome when i came. Great communication(perfect English), everything was smooth organized and dr. Hyza is good listener. My tummy looks even better than before i had children. Thank you
Operace očních víček (Blefaroplastika)    
  5 z 5 hvězdiček
“I had an upper eyelid (blephastophy) at the Formé ”
10.7.2018 | FORMÉ Clinic | Zasláno od Ambi
I had an upper eyelid (blephastophy) at the Forme Clinic in Prague on 20 June 2018. So far so good as it is only two weeks and I am waiting for the 3/4 week period to conclude after surgery so that I can start exercising again. With each day I see visible signs of how much younger I look now that the swelling has subsided. I look much fresher and more awake in my eye area generally and this is set to look even better as time heals the effects of the surgery. I did a lot of research prior to booking the appointment with Forme Clinic and found that they came out top in every category from patient satisfaction, surgeons, location and fees. Forme Clinic did not disappoint. They made the experience seamless: from being collected from the airport, to our accommodation and to and from the clinic, our consultation with the consultant surgeon, Dr Vasek and our interactions with the team. Everybody was professional and extremely helpful. If I decide to have more procedures in the future there is only one place I would go and that is to the Forme Clinic in the heart of Prague, Wenceslas Square. I am also recommending my experience to all my friends and family who are interested. Thankyou so much to my surgeon, Dr Vasek and the great girls who coordinate everything at the clinic so beautifully
Operace očních víček (Blefaroplastika)    
  5 z 5 hvězdiček
“What a amazing place , 3 weeks out ”
24.5.2018 | FORMÉ Clinic | Zasláno od Registrovaný uživatel
What a amazing place , and the team are amazing they look after you so well , the nursing team are amazing ,lucie,Sylvia.monica , dr Benz what a amazing surgeon . I have recommended this clinic to all my friends , I travelled to Prague on my own from Edinburgh, , and I was looked after from the minute I got of the plane , Christine was brilliant in co ordinating everything, Thank you all xx
Operace uší (Otoplastika)
“4 days since procedure completed ”
17.5.2018 | FORMÉ Clinic | Zasláno od Ciarán z Dublin, Irsko (IE)
Hello I’m looking for the best doctor or surgery as I want things to work out as I’m going abroad to have it done any suggestions would be grateful thanks
Zvětšení prsou vlastním tukem (lipofilling, lipomodelace prsou)    
  5 z 5 hvězdiček
“Breast enlargement using own fat at Formé...”
3.5.2018 | MUDr. Tomáš Beneš | Zasláno od Robin77 z Cumbria, Velká Británie (GB)
I did not really wanna increase my size of breasts too much and literally needed mostly more firmer and fuller breast. That is way i decided for fat grafting. Even that price was much higher than breast implant i am sure i made good decision. Never really wanted to have something to be placed into my body so this sounded like good option. Clinic looks nice and everyone was very friendly. Dr. Benes explained the procedure precisely what i expected. However it sounded little scary i knew i was in good hands. There were no complications at all. After the surgery i stayed few hour at Forme clinic and was free to go. Now my breasts are fuller. i am very pleased and it can not be seen that i had surgery.
  5 z 5 hvězdiček
“I had a lipo on 4 areas with MUDr. Petr Mertan...”
26.4.2018 | FORMÉ Clinic | Zasláno od tysonc80 z Cork, Irsko (IE)
I had liposuction on Monday 22/04/2018 with MUDr. Peter Mertan to 4 areas.Clinic answers emails straight away and provided taxis to and from the airport.I traveled on my own and stayed at the apartment on to clinic at a discounted rate which is in a really safe central area with WiFi.Would not be afraid going on my own to this area.Spotless clean clinic. Bloods and photos taken by really nice nurse then consultation with Dr.Mertan he was so nice and said the areas I should do but when I got to reception to pay this would have cost more then in email as price was for 4 areas and I wouldn’t have had the extra cash with me for 6 areas this was the only part I was a bit bothered about but Dr.Mertan came back out to me to pick the 4 areas I wanted.Then in for surgery nurse Lucy I think her name was -so nice and helpful nothing to much trouble got me ready and brought me in to theatre where I met the anaesthetist such a nice man really made me feel at ease and when i was back in room after surgery he came back in to see was I ok as did Dr.Mertan.Stayed that night at clinic and next morning had a shower and was checked over again by Dr.Mertan he assured me swelling would go down they gave me a bag with all instructions and medications and I went back to apartment for another night flew back to Ireland yesterday actually have very little pain.Following instructions exactly and afraid to nearly eat now!really hope it worked will update again in a few weeks.Hope this helps someone else trying to make decision I know I was constantly trying to find information before I went.Felt very safe in Prague on my own and if it works will definitely go back for anything else I want done.
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