FORMÉ Clinic
Patientenerfahrungen und Empfehlungen
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Brustvergrößerung 67 Fettabsaugung 46 Augenlidstraffung 45 Bauchstraffung 39 Nasenkorrektur 34 Facelifting 27 Bruststraffung 16 Otoplastik (Ohrenkorrektur) 9 Bruststraffung mit Implantat 8 Brustverkleinerung 7 Tumeszenz Liposuktion 6 Mommy makeover 5 Oberlidstraffung 4 Behandlung der Hyperhidrose 3 Oberarmstraffung 3 Gynäkomastie Behandlung 3 Schamlippenverkleinerung 3 BOTOX 2 Water-jet– Liposuktion 2 Brustvergrößerung(Lipofilling) 2 Hautwucherungen entfernen 2  2  1  1 Miniabdominoplastik 1 Handchirurgie 1 Unterlidstraffung 1 Minilift - Lifestyle-Lifting 1 Hyaluronsäure – Faltenfüller 1 Nasennachkorrektur 1 Karpaltunnelsyndrom 1 Nicht-invasive Behandlungen der ästhetischen Gynäkologie 1  1  1 Lippenlifting 1 Lippenaufbau (Hyaluronsäure) 1 Narbenbehandlung 1 Herausnahme eines Implantats 1 Halslifting 1 Radiofrequenz Liposuktion 1 Gesichtsimplantate 1 Faltenbehandlung 1 Brustrekonstruktion 1 Nicht-invasives Lifting 1 Mastektomie 1 Regeneris 1 Septoplastik 1 Lipofilling 1 Alle Kategorien
  5 von 5 Sternen
“Facelift a operace víček”
11.12.2017 | MUDr. Radek Lhotský | Gesendet von Avorapsak akroz aus Liberec, Tschechien (CZ)
pan doktor Lhotský - profesionál,dokonalý,lidský,- děkuji a jsem Váš pacient
  5 von 5 Sternen
“I am nearly 1 year post surgery and extremely...”
21.08.2017 | FORMÉ Clinic | Gesendet von Registrierter Benutzer aus North Carolina, USA (US)
I am nearly 1 year post surgery and extremely happy with my results. Everything went smoothly, the clinic and Dr. Vasek were very professional. I am so pleased I will be returning for a face lift this October.
  5 von 5 Sternen
“Operace horních a dolních víček v lokální...”
01.06.2017 | MUDr. Petr Jan Vašek | Gesendet von Micka aus Prague, Tschechien (CZ)
21. dubna jsem zde na klinice Formé podstoupila zákrok v lokální anestezii -operaci horních a dolních víček u Mudr. Vaška. Pro tuto operaci jsem rozhodla, protože mi přišlo, že jsem v obličeji unavená a vypadám zbytečně starší. Dále mi víčka způsobovala nejasné vidění a únavu, jak mi víčka padala. Operace jsem se velmi bála, ale hned jak jsem vešla na operační sál, a viděla doktora Vaška a jeho asistentku ze mě strach opadnul, jelikož si se mnou příjemně povídali a tím odvedli moji pozornost od strachu. Zákrok vůbec nebolel a celý proces proběhl naprosto bez komplikací. Tímto chci poděkovat všem z personálu, kteří se o mne výborně postarali. Po operaci jsem dodržovala veškeré instrukce od ošetřujícího lékaře a proto hojení probíhalo naprosto v pořádku a bezproblémově. Po týdnu mi byly vytaženy stehny a už jsem mohla použít make-up který zakryl veškeré ještě nezhojené nedokonalosti. Zákrok na této klinice mohu vřele doporučit, jelikož si myslím, že se není čeho bát.
  5 von 5 Sternen
“110% satisfaction in Prague”
11.05.2017 | FORMÉ Clinic | Gesendet von philw9 aus Nottingham, England (GB)
After a long decision I decided to have my procedure done at the Formé clinic in Prague with Dr Vasek . I had great communication with them befor I went , I knew exactly what was going to happen and ask every question under the sun in regards to the procedure and was totally satisfied with there responses with what I was having done I was nervous but the staff and the doctor were all great , put my mind at ease , made me feel totally comfortable , I'm so pleased I had it done , They picked me up at the airport to take me to my hotel and then again the following morning to take me to the clinic. The procedure took about an hour ,there was no pain it was all very professional and as of now the results are fantastic (it was only done 2 weeks ago). There is hardly any scarring and I'm sure within a couple of months they will be non. I totally recommend them 100% and if I needed anything else doing I wouldn't hesitate to go back to them . Thank you thank you thank you ..
  5 von 5 Sternen
“Blepharoplasty at Forme by Dr Vasek”
24.02.2017 | MUDr. Petr Jan Vašek | Gesendet von Nomorebags aus Stoke-on-Trent, England (GB)
I have written a review because I am grateful to the Forme team but also because of my experience with Graves disease. A number of factors led me to access treatment abroad and not just the difference in cost which is significant. Having had two consultations in UK I felt that there was a reluctance (not a refusal) to treat me because I have graves disease – which I did not find encouraging. Around the time I was first considering Blepharoplasty I can remember stepping into a mirrored lift on the way to a meeting and feeling shocked by my appearance. I had experienced a series of significant bereavements and it felt as though the grieving had left its mark across my face. How much the graves disease contributed to my fatty eyebags I don’t know but I looked beaten up and like I had a permanent black eye. I delayed access treatment for another year to ensure there were no developments with my eyes and now I am very pleased with my decision to choose Forme Clinic. If I was to complete a cost benefit analysis I would say that having a reason to travel alone to Prague was a huge bonus. It is the most amazing place and the architecture is awe-inspiring. I didn’t experience any anxiety until just before the surgery because I was positively distracted by the environment. The clinic is very efficient, providing for me a unique medical experience with no delay or faffing around. The staff gave me half a tablet prior to the surgery which did concern me because I realised that I would be aware throughout the procedure. Dr Vasek said that sedation was unnecessary and on reflection I would agree with him. When the local anaesthetic was injected I felt my eyes become numb and heavy as they closed. They stayed closed throughout the procedure. I could only see the bright light through my eye lids and feelings of pressure but no pain. It felt as though someone was tugging on my eyelashes. I can remember being surprised by how quickly the first lid was done and not feeling worried about the other three because it was OK. All four lids took less than an hour. After the treatment I was glad that I had not been sedated as I was alert enough to go out and see more of Prague. I had a session with frozen peas (which are more supple than the gel masks the clinic give you) then went to visit a nuclear bunker. The whole experience was entirely positive. Dr Vasek is a confident and skilled surgeon and the clinic staff ensure that it runs efficiently. There was no need to take any painkillers at all afterwards and I would say the worst thing was the itching between days 2-5. This did torment me to the point I was making fists with my toes and I was worried about scratching my eyes during the night. I did not expect to heal so quickly and have had no problems at all with my eyes / lids and have been able to read, use computers etc. I look more alert, less annoyed and have no eye bags. I expected some improvement to my eyes but did not expect symmetry because my eyes were different to start with. I noticed after the surgery that the incisions around my eyes had been made differently and now my eyes look the same. Dr Vasek must have factored in the eye difference - I think that he is amazing. I am not planning any more treatments but would not hesitate to recommend the clinic to friends. Thank you Forme Rachel UK
  5 von 5 Sternen
“Upper and lower eyelid surgery in Prague ”
01.11.2016 | MUDr. Petr Jan Vašek | Gesendet von Talulah aus Calderdale, England (GB)
I had upper and lower eyelid surgery on the 1st September at forme clinic in Prague ..the surgeon was Dr Vasek. From my initial contact via email to the actual day of the surgery they were brilliant, always replied to emails straight away. Very helpful with any questions I had and even arranged a free transfer from the airport to my hotel. The surgery is clean and modern and in a perfectly safe and central location. I travelled on my own and it was absolutely fine. The surgery took and hour and was totally pain-free. After I left I had quite a bad bleed from my right eye and had to go back but the girl on reception was brilliant ans called the doctor and the nurse straight back . It was fine and nothing out of the ordinary but they reassured me and it was no problem at all. It's two months on now and the results are improving every day. I'm so happy and would highly recommend them to anyone. I'm sure I'll be back
  5 von 5 Sternen
“Perfektní přístup a profesionalita”
27.06.2016 | MUDr. Petr Jan Vašek | Gesendet von ann aus South Moravia, Tschechien (CZ)
Zákrok dolních víček jsem podstoupila loni v listopadu a jsem moc, moc spokojena jak s výsledkem,tak s výkonem pana doktora Vaška a jsem rozhodnuta, jít i na horní víčka. Perfektní přístup a profesionalita, děkuji.
  5 von 5 Sternen
“Profesionálně odvedená práce”
11.01.2016 | MUDr. Petr Jan Vašek | Gesendet von ivana.loucka aus Central Bohemia, Tschechien (CZ)
Velice bych chtěla poděkovat panu primářovi z Formé clinic doktorovi Vaškovi za velice profesionálně odvedenou práci na mých víčkách. Jsem velice spokojená a v případě zájmu o další úpravy se budu velice ráda vracet k panu primáři. Ivana Loucká
  5 von 5 Sternen
“Vypadám mladší”
09.09.2015 | Gesendet von Registrierter Benutzer
Byla jsem s panem doktorem velmi spolojena. Doporucuji!
  5 von 5 Sternen
“Profesionálně odvedenou práce”
14.05.2015 | MUDr. Petr Jan Vašek | Gesendet von ing.cupata aus South Moravia, Tschechien (CZ)
Velice děkuji za profesionálně odvedenou práci. Ing.C.